Metier Law Firm



Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Collins, Colorado



Personal injury attorneys in Colorado, serving the western United States. Catastrophic injuries caused by the acts of another, whether negligent or intentional, have long-term effects that can completely change your life. After you leave the hospital, you may find that you have reduced or no income, ongoing medical costs and things aren’t like they were before. You need legal help to get the compensation you need to get on with your life.At Metier Law Firm, we have the knowledge and experience your case needs and the compassion you want. We excel at handling complex, difficult personal injury cases. From our home base in Fort Collins and Boulder, Colorado, we get compensation for our clients throughout the western United States, including Texas, Louisiana, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, California, Oregon, and Washington.

Metier Law Firm is located in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Birth Injuries

4828 South College AveneFort Collins, Colorado 80525

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