Personal Injury Lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas personal injury attorneys offering legal advice and representation for indivduals injured in car, truck, or other motor vehicle accidents. At Harris & Harris, we are Las Vegas personal injury attorneys, and we purposefully limit the number of cases we handle at any given time. By keeping a manageable caseload, we are able to give each case the attention necessary to get the best result for our client, and to provide each client with support as he or she recovers from a traumatic loss. We practice throughout the State of Nevada, as well as in California and Utah.When you have suffered a serious injury, medical bills, lost wages and other financial burdens can be overwhelming. Our personal injury lawyers focus on maximizing your financial recovery by pursuing all available avenues of compensation. We determine if you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits or Social Security disability benefits in addition to any personal injury compensation.
Harris & Harris Lawyers is located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Animal Attacks & Dog Bites
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