Personal Injury Lawyer in Garfield, New Jersey
Established in 1993, Stephen Sammarro and Gary Zalarick formed the New Jersey based law firm of Sammarro & Zalarick, P.A. with a distinct ‘Client Comes First’ philosophy which has remained their ethos to this day. Efficiency, quality service and dedication to our clients has been the number one goal from the formation of the company and their testimonials and client history backs that up.Right from the initial consultation, S&Z understand the stress and discomfort visiting an attorney can bring to some people and work hard to make their clients feel at ease, comfortable and have a clear understanding of their individual situation, cutting through legal jargon that can be involved in a case. With a no obligation, free initial consultation, S&Z believe everyone has the right to speak with an attorney to understand their situation before proceeding with any case. Established in 1993, Stephen Sammarro and Gary Zalarick formed the New Jersey based law firm of Sammarro & Zalarick, P.A. with a distinct ‘Client Comes First’ philosophy which has remained their ethos to this day. Efficiency, quality service and dedication to our clients has been the number one goal from the formation of the company and their testimonials and client history backs that up.Right from the initial consultation, S&Z understand the stress and discomfort visiting an attorney can bring to some people and work hard to make their clients feel at ease, comfortable and have a clear understanding of their individual situation, cutting through legal jargon that can be involved in a case. With a no obligation, free initial consultation, S&Z believe everyone has the right to speak with an attorney to understand their situation before proceeding with any case.
Sammarro & Zalarick, P.A. is located in Garfield, New Jersey.
Personal Injury
262 Palisade AvenueGarfield, New Jersey 07026
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