Personal Injury Lawyer in Shrewsbury, New Jersey
Cerussi & Gunn, P.C. specializes in representing plaintiffs in medical malpractice, wrongful death, catastrophic personal injury, and nursing home neglect. Our trial experience covers both state and federal court systems. Our law firm, with offices in Monmouth County, Manhattan and Long Island, has handled personal injury and wrongful death cases involving practically all medical specialties including internal medicine, anesthesiology, pulmonology, neurology, pediatrics, and neurosurgery. The firm’s lawyers believe that the law firm’s clients are well-served by the close personal attention that each attorney devotes to the firm’s cases.Each lawyer is proud to have achieved many favorable outcomes for those who have sustained an injury or died as the result of the negligence or malpractice of another, including patients who have been injured by a doctor, nurse or other medical, hospital and/or nursing home professionals. Our law offices also understand that getting answers to the question of ‘why’ in a medical malpractice, personal injury or wrongful death action is as crucial a goal as financial compensation to many of the firm’s clients.
Cerussi & Gunn, P.C. is located in Shrewsbury, New Jersey.
Birth Injuries
600 Broad Street Suite CShrewsbury, New Jersey 07702
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